Monday, August 16, 2010

We're Goin' to Winnipeg! Day 11

Monday, August 16/10

This morning everyone was a little slow starting the day off. The ballet teach gave us all new exercises to remember. It was a great start to the day though for the weekend rest felt great and I am now able to move with no problem. I let the girls who used my Mercy MSM on Saturday use it again today, and also they asked me to show them how to tie their pointe shoes nice and neat. I showed them how to do and and they thanked me multiple times. Then one of them said, "You are such a nice person." I watched pointe then had lunch. I ate lunch with Emily and the four Mexicans. It was really nice to hang out with them. I also signed up to watch the professionals rehearse along with my friends. We had conditioning after and then one Mexican girl said she wanted to be my partner, and when we did this thing that involved a plie against the wall and the partner pushing on the inside of your legs, she told me multiple times to tell her if she was hurting me. We worked on turn out all class. Then we had spanish and again it was boring for me.
But after classes mom came by and took me and Emily to Second Cup and we grabbed a little snack. She is a really nice girl. Then we went back to the school and watched the company rehearse and that was really nice to see. I can't believe the muscles those dancers have! I love it!
Mom and I ate supper then I went into the pool again this evening. There was a nice couple there and their children and they were funny and enjoyable. Then we found out the Black Eyed Peas are staying in the hotel! Cool! Mom was really excited about that! Haha!
Anyways I'm off to bed!


  1. Can you tell me who the Black Eyed Peas are? Sorry, I'm kinda in my own world most of the time as most artists are! Hee! Hee!
    Good to read about all of your classes and everything, sounds like its turned out to be quite a learning experience and you're able to share lots of your knowledge too. That always makes a person feel so good to be able to share. Hope your days continue to go well. Luv Auntie

  2. The Black Eyed Peas are a band that is very well known today. The are of my generation so that's probably why you've never head of them. Sorry I didn't respond until now, I was having problems with my comment settings and I think I'm slowly figuring it out. Love you
